Q : What are the regulations regarding the Licensing Authority for a conductor’s license and the appointment of a driver or any other person as a conductor in Delhi?

According to the Delhi Motor Vehicle

Licensing Authority:
The licensing authority for a conductor’s license shall be the same as for a driving license, as specified in Chapter-II of the regulations.

Appointment of Driver or Any Other Person as Conductor:
A driver or any other person temporarily employed may act as a conductor without holding a conductor’s license under the following conditions:

1. Emergency Situations:
When it becomes difficult for the permit holder to provide a conductor for the stage carriage, or if a conductor on duty is unable to perform their duties due to reasons beyond their control, the driver of the stage carriage may act as a conductor for a period not exceeding one month without holding a conductor’s license, as required by sub-section (2) of section 29 of the Act.

2. Non-Driver Appointments:
A person other than the driver of a stage carriage may act as a conductor without holding a conductor’s license for up to one month in any calendar year, provided that:
(a) The person intimates their intention through their employer to the licensing authority within whose jurisdiction they will act as a conductor.
(b) The person is disqualified from holding a conductor’s license.
(c) The person carries an authorization from the owner explaining why an unlicensed conductor is employed.

Q : What are the qualifications, duties, functions, and conduct regulations for conductors under the Delhi Motor Vehicles Rules, 1993 in Delhi?

No person shall be granted a conductor’s license unless they satisfy the licensing authority that:
(i) They have adequate knowledge of the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder relating to the duties and functions of a conductor.
(ii) They possess a good moral character.
(iii) They possess a valid Adult First-Aid Certificate issued by the St. John Ambulance Association of India.
(iv) They have a working knowledge of the Hindi language.
(v) They are not below 18 years of age.

Denial of License:
The licensing authority may decline to issue or renew a conductor’s license if:
(i) The applicant’s knowledge of the Act, rules, and duties of a conductor is inadequate.
(ii) The applicant has previously held a conductor’s or driving license that was canceled for misconduct.
(iii) The applicant’s character or physique makes them unsuitable for holding a conductor’s license.

Suspension or Cancellation:
The licensing authority may suspend or cancel a conductor’s license or countersignature for reasons recorded in writing.
Any court convicting a conductor of an offense related to their duties may cancel the conductor’s license.

Duties and Functions of Conductors:
A conductor of a stage carriage shall:
(i) Be jointly responsible with the driver for performing their duties and functions as outlined in Rule 11.
(ii) Perform the following additional functions:
(a) Announce the name of each halting place, bus stand, or station just before the vehicle is about to stop.
(b) Ensure that alighting passengers have disembarked and intending passengers have boarded before giving the signal to the driver to start the vehicle.
(c) Issue tickets immediately upon payment of the legal fare or freight.
(d) At the end of the journey, search the vehicle for any items left behind by passengers, take custody of any found items, and handle them as per Rule 70 under “Lost Property.”
(e) Take reasonable precautions to prevent luggage carried on the roof of the vehicle from being misplaced, lost, or drenched in rain.

Q : What is the procedure for applying for a conductor’s license in Delhi?

The application for the grant of a conductor’s license must be made using Form L.Con.A. The application should include:
(1) A medical certificate in Form M.C.Con.
(2) A valid Adult First Aid certificate from the St. John Ambulance Association (India).
(3) The fee prescribed under sub-section (5) of section 30 of the Act.

Upon receiving the application, the licensing authority will:
(i) Make necessary enquiries to establish the identity of the applicant.
(ii) Scrutinize the application to ensure the applicant is not disqualified from holding a conductor’s license.
(iii) Issue the license in Form L.Con if the applicant meets the requirements.

Important Note:
The licensing authority will not issue a license if the applicant had previously held a license under Chapter III of the Act unless a good reason for the inability to obtain a duplicate of the former license is provided.

Q : What is the process for renewing a conductor’s license in Delhi?

Application for the renewal of a conductor’s license must be made in Form L.Con.A to the licensing authority that issued the original license or to the licensing authority of the area where the applicant is currently residing. The application should include:
(1) The current conductor’s license.
(2) A valid Adult First Aid certificate issued by the St. John Ambulance Association (India).
(3) The fee prescribed under sub-section (5) of section 30 of the Act.

Upon receiving the renewal application, the licensing authority may:
(i) Make necessary enquiries to ensure the applicant is eligible for renewal.
(ii) Renew the license based on the findings.

Q: If the renewal authority is different from the issuing authority:

The renewal authority must inform the original issuing authority about the renewal of the license.

Q: What is the procedure for issuing a duplicate conductor’s license?

If a conductor’s license is lost, destroyed, becomes illegible, or if the attached photograph is no longer a reasonable likeness of the holder, the following procedure applies:
(1) The licensing authority will handle the issue of a duplicate conductor’s license in the same manner as for a driving license.
(2) The fee for issuing a duplicate conductor’s license is twenty rupees. The application for the duplicate license must be made using Form L.Com.A.

Q: How are appeals related to conductor’s licenses handled in Delhi?

The procedure for hearing appeals concerning a conductor’s license is the same as for appeals related to driving licenses, as outlined in Rule 4.

Q: What are the regulations regarding the conductor’s badge?

(1) A conductor of a stage carriage must display a metal or plastic badge on the left chest. This badge should be of a shape, size, and color approved by the Commissioner, and must include the name of the issuing authority and the word “conductor” along with an identification number. The badge is issued by the licensing authority as specified in Rule 15.
(2) A conductor is allowed to hold only one badge in the State.
(3) The fee for issuing a conductor’s badge is two hundred rupees. If the badge is lost or destroyed, a duplicate badge can be issued for an additional two hundred rupees.
(4) If a conductor’s license is suspended, canceled, or has expired, the badge must be surrendered to the licensing authority within seven days.
(5) Appeals against orders related to the issuing of badges are handled in the same manner as appeals for conductor’s licenses as per Rule 21.

Q: What are the uniform requirements for conductors in Delhi?

(1) While on duty, a conductor must wear a khaki uniform with a nameplate written in Hindi, displayed prominently above the left-hand pocket of the shirt.
(2) Conductors working for a State Transport Undertaking must wear the uniform prescribed by that State Transport Undertaking.

Q: What is the procedure and fee for obtaining a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner for a conductor’s license?

(1) The procedure and fee for obtaining a medical certificate for a conductor’s license are the same as for a driving license.
(2) The medical certificate must be issued in Form M.C.CON.

Q: Are conductor’s licenses issued by other States or Union Territories valid in Delhi in Delhi?

Yes, a conductor’s license issued by any other State or Union Territory in India is valid in Delhi.

Q: What is the procedure for renewing a conductor’s license issued by another competent authority outside the State?

When a conductor’s license issued by an authority outside the State is submitted for renewal in the State, the same procedure as for a driver’s license, as specified in Rule 10, shall be followed.

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