General [Section 111].

(1)According to Section 111 In Haryana, No person shall use and no person shall cause or allow to be used or to be in any public place, any motor vehicle, which does not comply with the rules made under this chapter and the provisions contained in Chapter V of the Central Rules or with any order hereunder made by the State Transport Authority.

(2) Nothing in this rule shall apply to a motor vehicle which has been damaged in an accident while at the place of the accident or to vehicles so damaged or otherwise defective while being removed to the nearest reasonable place of repair or disposal.
Provided that where a motor vehicle can no longer remain under the effective control of the person driving, the same shall not be used in any public place, except by towing.

Rear Mirror [Section 111].

Every motor vehicle in Haryana other than a road roller and other vehicles specially constructed or adopted for the construction or maintenance of roads shall be fitted either internally or externally, with a mirror so placed as to enable the driver to be or become aware of the presence, in the rear of any other vehicle the driver of which is desirous of passing such motor vehicle.

Dangerous Projections [Section 111].

(1) No mascot or other similar fitting or devices shall be carried on any motor vehicle other than a road roller or other vehicles specially constructed or adopted for the construction or maintenance of roads registered in India in any position where it is likely to strike any person with whom the vehicle may collide unless the mascot is unlikely to cause injury to any person by reason of any projection thereon.

(2) No motor vehicle shall be permitted to be used which is so constructed that any axle, hub or hubcap projects laterally more than 102 millimeters beyond the rim of the wheel to which it is attached, unless the axle, hub or hubcap does not project laterally beyond the body or wings of the vehicle and is provided with an adequate guard.

Windscreen Wiper [Section 111].

An efficient automatic windscreen wiper shall be fitted to every motor vehicle which is so constructed that the driver cannot by opening the windscreen or otherwise obtain an adequate view to the front of the vehicle without looking through the windscreen.

Springing [Section 111].

Every motor vehicle in Haryana and every trailer drawn thereby other than a road roller or other vehicles specially constructed or adopted for the construction or maintenance of roads, shall be equipped with suitable and sufficient means of springing adequately maintained in good and sound condition between the road wheels and the frame of the vehicle.

Provided that this rule shall not apply to:

Cars Fitted with Left-Hand Steering Control [Section 111].

A motorcar fitted with left-hand steering control shall exhibit the words "Left Hand Drive" at a conspicuous place on its rear on a plain or a plain surface of the vehicle in red colour on a white background, each letter being not less than thirty-five millimeters in height and of uniform thickness of thirteen millimeters.

Wings [Section 111].

(1) Every motor vehicle except a locomotive tractor trailer or a road roller or other specially constructed or adopted for construction or maintenance of roads, shall, unless adequate protection is afforded by the body of the motor vehicle, be provided with wings or other similar fittings to catch, so far as practicable, mud or water thrown up by the rotation of the wheels.

(2) The rear wheels of every trailer except a trailer drawn by locomotives shall be provided with wings as aforesaid.

Sidecar Wheel [Section 111].

Every sidecar attached to a motorcycle that the wheel thereof is not wholly outside perpendicular planes as right angles to the longitudinal axis of the motorcycle passing through the extreme projecting points in front and in the rear of the motorcycle.

Communication with Driver [Section 111].

(1) Every transport vehicle in Haryana, whether for the use of passengers or goods in which the driver's seat is separated from the passengers or the goods compartment by a fixed partition, which is not capable of being readily opened shall be furnished with efficient means to enable the passengers, conductor or the cleaner, in such compartment to signal the driver to stop the vehicle; provided that the cleaner or a conductor in a goods vehicle shall be seated at the back to give a signal to the driver when the former notices a faster vehicle approaching the one in which he is traveling.

(2) Sub-rule (1) shall not apply to:

(3) Every goods carriage or tractor-trailer combination shall be furnished with efficient means of communication to enable the cleaner or conductor to signal the driver to stop the vehicle or to caution to allow passage for faster moving vehicle. The connection of the communication bell shall be of adapter and socket type so that the communication bell could be connected and disconnected while coupling and uncoupling the trailer.

Restriction on Painting [Section 111].

(1) No motor vehicle shall be painted olive green colour. Provided that any military motor vehicle purchased as Military disposal shall be repainted with a colour other than olive green before registration under the act and such repainted colour shall conform to the colour specification, if any, laid down in these rules as applicable to a class or classes of motor vehicles.

(2) The motor vehicles belonging to an Education Institution:

(3) No motorcycle shall be painted in yellow colour except those belonging to the police organization of the State.

Special Marks to be Exhibited on a Stage Carriage When it is Used as a Contract Carriage [Section 111].

(1) No stage carriage or vehicle forming part of a service of stage carriages shall be used as a contract carriage unless a board is affixed on each side of the vehicle showing that it is for the time being in use as such and not as a stage carriage.

(2) The boards required by the preceding sub-rule shall exhibit the words 'ON CONTRACT' in red letters on a white ground, the letters being of a size not less than specified for numerals of a registration mark and shall be affixed in a prominent and unobscured position at or near roof level;

(3) The board required by sub-rule (1) shall be affixed before the commencement of any trip for which the vehicle is being used as a contract carriage and shall be kept affixed throughout the whole of the trip and the boards or marks indicating the route or routes on which the vehicle is operated at other times shall be removed or covered up throughout the trip.

Special Requirements for Public Vehicles [Section 111].

(1) Every public service vehicle in Haryana, and all parts thereof including paintwork or varnish, shall be maintained in a clean and sound condition and the engine, mechanism and all working parts in reliable working order.

(2) Every public vehicle shall carry a first-aid box with a glazed front of dimensions suitable to accommodate the following articles, namely:

Measures of Stability of Vehicles [Section 111].

(1) The stability of double-decked public service vehicle shall be such that when loaded with weight of 59 kilograms per person placed in correct relative position to represent the driver and conductor, if carried and full complement of passengers of the upper deck only if the surface of which the vehicle stands were titled to either side to an angle of twenty-eight degrees from horizontal the point at which overturning occurs would not be reached.

(2) The stability of single decked public service vehicle other than motor cab shall be such that under any conditions of load at an allowance of 73 kilograms for every passenger for which the vehicle is registered if the surface on which the vehicle stands were titled to either side to an angle of thirty-five degrees from the horizontal the point at which overturning occurs would not be reached.

(3) For the purpose of conducting tests stability the height of any stock used to prevent a wheel of the vehicle from slipping sideways shall not be greater than two-thirds of the distance between the surface upon which the vehicle stands before it is titled and that part of the rim of that wheel which is then nearest to such surface when the wheel is loaded in accordance with the requirements of this rule.

Seating Space [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) In Haryana every public service vehicle other than a motor cab, there shall be provided for each passenger a reasonable comfortable seating space of not less than 375 millimeters square in the case of deluxe vehicles, the seats measured on straight lines along and at right angles to the front of each seat and:

Provided that for a deluxe vehicle, the following additional specifications shall also apply, namely:

(2) The back of all seats shall be closed to a height of 400 millimeters above seat level. Provided that in the case of a single-decked vehicle, the State Transport Authority may specify the measurements within the above limits to which public service or a particular type of public works vehicle shall conform in specified areas or on hill roads. Provided further that if the Government is satisfied that a particular vehicle or class of vehicles, having the internal height of headroom measured along the centres of the vehicle from the top of the floorboards or battens to the underside of the roof, supports in excess of the height specified in this rule, is suitable for carrying out any work in furtherance of a public purpose, the Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, exempt such vehicle or class of vehicles from the provisions of this rule either generally or in such areas or on such routes subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification.

Driver’s Seats [Section 111].

(1)In Haryana no public service vehicle shall be driven otherwise than from the right-hand side of the vehicle.

(2) On every public service vehicle, space shall be reserved for the driver’s seat such as to allow him to exercise full and unimpeded control of the vehicle and in particular:

(3) No public service vehicle shall be so constructed that any person may sit or any luggage may be carried on the freight hand side of the driver.

(4) Every public service vehicle shall be so constructed that save for the front pillar of the body, the driver shall have a clear vision both to the front and through an angle of ninety degrees to his right-hand side. The front pillar of the body shall be constructed as to obstruct the vision of the driver to the least possible extent.

(5) The State Transport Authority may, by order in writing, direct that until such time as the vehicles have been taken off the road after having lived their lives, nothing in this rule regarding and consequent upon the provisions requiring that the vehicles shall be driven from the right-hand side shall apply to a public service vehicle or a specified class of public service vehicle fitted with left-hand steering control and obtained through the disposal organization of the Central Government.

(6) Where a Registering Authority registers a public service vehicle in respect of which or belonging to a class in respect of which an order under sub-rule (5) has been made, it shall note in the certificate of registration the fact that nothing in this rule regarding and consequent upon the provisions requiring that the vehicle shall be driven from the right-hand side shall apply to the vehicle.

Gangway [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) In Haryana every public service vehicle, the entrance to which from the front or the near here shall be a gangway along the vehicle and:

(2) Where the vehicle has seats across the full width of the body with separate doors to each seat, a gangway from front to rear of the vehicle shall not be required.

Limit of Seating Capacity [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, no public service vehicle other than a motor cab, shall be registered for a number of passengers in excess of the number obtained by subtracting 118 kilograms from the difference in kilograms between the registered laden and unladen weight of the vehicle and dividing the resulting figures by 160 in case of a single-decked vehicle and 130 in the case of double-decked vehicle or for such number of passengers that when the vehicle is loaded in a normal manner, the axle weight of any axle will not exceed the registered axle weight for that axle.

(2) In addition to the number of persons permitted to be carried in a public service vehicle:

Headroom [Section 111(2)(a)].

Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall have the following internal height of headroom measured along the center of the vehicle from the top of the floorboards or pattern to the underside of the roof supports:

Provided that in the case of a single-decked vehicle the State Transport Authority may specify the measurement within the above limits to which public service vehicles shall conform in specific or on hill roads.

Width of Doors [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) Every entrance and exit of a public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall be at least 530 millimeters in width and of sufficient height.

(2) Every entrance and exit shall be capable of being opened outwards by one operation of the locking mechanism.

(3) Door handles or levers to door catches shall be so designed and fitted that they are not liable to be dislodged or to be operated accidentally.

(4) All doors shall be so designed as to be readily opened in case of need from inside and outside of the public service vehicle.

(5) Every public service vehicle shall have an emergency exit separate from the entrance door.

(6) All emergency exits shall:

(7) In the public service vehicle plyed in the urban area, where the turnover of passengers is large, the number of stops is great and duration of stop is very short, different openings may be provided for entrance and exit in addition to the emergency and driver’s exit.

(8) There shall be unobstructed accessibility from every seat to at least one exit. Provided that this rule shall not apply to any seat along with the driver, if there is access to such seat by an entrance other than the driver’s entrance.

(9) There shall be direct access to the driver’s seat either from the offside of the vehicle or by means of a passage, which shall not be smaller in dimension than the ones specified from the gangway.

Grab Rail [Section 111(2)(a)].

In every public service vehicle other than a motor cab, there shall be fitted to every entrance or exit, except an emergency exit, a grab rail to assist passengers in boarding or alighting from the vehicle.

Steps [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) In every public service vehicle other than a motor cab, the top of the tread of the lowest step for any entrance or exit, other than an emergency exit, shall not be more than 600 millimeters or less than 425 millimeters above the ground when the vehicle is empty. Fixed steps shall be less than 225 millimeters wide and shall not project laterally beyond the body of the vehicle unless they are so protected by the front wings or otherwise that they are not liable to injure pedestrians. The shortest distance between any step's well and a vertical plane passing through the front edge of a seat shall not be less than 225 millimeters.

(2) In the case of double-decked vehicles:

Cushions [Section 111(2)(a)].

Where the seats of public service vehicles are provided with fixed or movable cushions, the cushions shall be covered with leather cloth of good quality or other material of such kind that they are capable of being kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

Body Dimension and Guard Rails [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) Every public service vehicle other than a motor cab, shall be so constructed that:

(2) For the purpose of this rule, seat backs shall not be deemed to be part of the seat.

Protection of Passengers from Weather [Section 111(2)(a)].

(1) Every public service vehicle in Haryana other than a double-decked vehicle shall be either constructed with a fixed watertight roof or equipped with a watertight hood that may be raised or lowered as required.

(2) Save in the case of an uncovered top deck of a double-decked vehicle, every public service vehicle shall have suitable windows, venetians, or screens capable at all times of protecting the passengers from the weather without preventing adequate ventilation of the vehicle. When the screens are made of fabric, the whole of them shall at all times be fastened securely to the vehicle.

(3) Where glass windows or venetians are used, they must be provided with effective means to prevent their rattling.

(4) There shall be adequate ventilation for both passengers and the driver without the necessity for opening any main windows or windscreen.

Prohibition on the Fitting of Mirrors [Section 111].

No mirror or glass-covered picture shall be fitted inside or on the body of any public service vehicle. Provided that nothing herein shall prohibit the fitting of any mirror which may be necessary to enable the driver to obtain a view of the road in the rear of the vehicle or a view of the interior of the vehicle.

Lighting [Section 111].

Every public service vehicle shall be furnished with electric lights adequate to give reasonable illumination throughout the vehicle but of such power or so screened as not to impair the forward vision of the driver.

Body Construction [Section 111].

The body of every public service vehicle shall be so constructed and so fastened to the frame of the vehicle as to comply with such directions as may be issued by the State Transport Authority from time to time.

Fuel Tanks [Section 111].

(1) No fuel tank shall be placed in any public service vehicle under any part of any gangway which is within 60 millimeters of any entrance or exit of a single-decked vehicle or the lower deck of a double-decked vehicle.

(2) The fuel tank of every public service vehicle shall be so placed that no overflow therefrom shall fall upon any work or accumulate where it can be readily ignited. The filling points of all fuel tanks shall be outside the body of the vehicle and the filler caps shall be so designed and constructed that they can be securely fixed in position.

Electric Wires [Section 111].

All electric wires or cables shall be adequately insulated.

Fire Extinguishers [Section 111].

Every public service vehicle shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher of a type specified by the State Transport Authority and it may be inspected at such periods and by such persons as the State Transport Authority may specify.

Waterproof Canvas [Section 111].

Every public service vehicle shall be equipped with waterproof canvas for safeguarding luggage belonging to the passengers and carried on the roof of the vehicle.

Locking of Nuts [Section 111].

All moving parts of every vehicle and all parts subject to service vibration connected by bolts or studs shall be fastened by locknuts or by nuts with efficient spring or locknut washers or by castellated nuts and split pins or by some other efficient device so as to prevent them working loose.

Exhibition of Starting and Destination Station [Section 111].

(1) In Haryana the owner of a public service vehicle other than a motor cab shall exhibit a board in the manner illustrated in the Second Schedule to these rules above the driver’s seat on the front of the vehicle indicating the starting point and the terminus of the route for which he holds permit. The board shall cover the whole width of the vehicle. The letters of the words indicating the starting point and the terminus shall be in black on a white ground and shall each be not less than 100 millimeters in height and 20 millimeters thick at any part. In the case of public service vehicles which ply in urban areas, the words shall be in English and in all other cases in Hindi language. Provided that all stage carriage vehicles shall display a board near the conductor window, indicating the various stages on it, in the regional language.

(2) The owner of the public service vehicle other than a taxi cab shall exhibit on a black slip, divided into two parts, one showing the trip number and the other showing the approved departure time written in white chalk in Arabic figures below the boards specified in sub-rule (1).

Floorboards [Section 111].

(1) The floorboards of every public service vehicle shall be strong and so closely fitted or so covered with a suitable material as to exclude as far as possible draughts and dust.

(2) The floorboards may be pierced for the purpose of drainage but for no other purpose.

Spare Wheel and Tools [Section 111].

(1) Save as otherwise specified by the Regional Transport Authority in respect of the public service vehicles being exclusively plied in urban areas, every public service vehicle shall at any time be equipped with not less than one spare wheel or rim fitted with a pneumatic tyre in good and sound condition, readily inflated and mounted in such a way that it can be readily dismounted and fitted to the vehicle in place of any one of the road wheels. Provided that it shall not be necessary to have a second spare wheel during the completion of any journey during which the spare wheel has been used.

(2) Every public service vehicle shall at all times be furnished with an efficient jack and other tools necessary to change a wheel or rim and tyre and with the equipment necessary to change a wheel or rim and tyre and with the equipment necessary to repair a puncture, including the following, namely:

Advertisements and Other Markings on Public Service Vehicles [Section 111].

(1) No advertising device, figure, or writing shall be exhibited on any public service vehicle save as may be permitted by the State Transport Authority by general or special order.

(2) A public service vehicle when regularly used for carrying Government mail by or under a contract with the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department shall exhibit in a conspicuous place upon a plate or plane surface of the vehicle the words ‘MAIL’ in red on a white ground, each letter being not less than 100 millimeters in height and of a uniform thickness of 20 millimeters.

(3) Save as aforesaid, no motor vehicle shall display any sign or inscription which includes the words 'MAIL'.

Body and Loading Platform of Goods Carriage [Section 111].

(1) The body of every goods carriage, including a trailer, shall be fastened to the frame of the vehicle and so constructed as to comply with such directions as may be issued by the State Transport Authority from time to time. The vehicle shall be capable of carrying the load for which it is used without danger or inconvenience to other road users so that the load can be securely packed within the body of the platform.

(2) Every goods carriage with a trailer and tractor-trailer combinations shall be fitted with an electric device so as to cause an alarm by working of a buzzer in the driver’s cabin on account of failure of the towing mechanism and disconnection of the trailer.

Driver’s Seat of Goods Carriage [Section 111].

The provisions of rule 136 shall apply to every goods carriage in so far as the seat of the driver is concerned.

Requirements for Auto-Rickshaw [Section 111].

Every auto-rickshaw shall:

Use of Flag [Section 111].

No motor vehicle other than vehicles used by dignitaries or officers authorized by the Central Government or Government of Haryana to use distinctive flags shall display such flags or flag rods.

Use of Red Light [Section 111].

No motor vehicle other than the motor cars attached with the dignitaries allowed to fly on their motor cars distinctive flags according to the Flag Code of India and the officers allowed to the distinctive flags by the Government of Haryana, shall show the red light to the front or other than a red light to the rear. Provided that the provisions of these rules shall not apply to internal lighting of the vehicle or to an amber light displayed by any direction indicator. Provided further that the motor cars attached with the officer of the Transport Department, Excise & Taxation Department and Police Department shall be fitted with flickering Red/Blue lights.

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