Use of Weighing Device in Haryana [Section 138(2)(b)].

(1)According to Section 138(2)(b) No weighing device shall be used for purposes of Section 114, unless it is tested not less than once in every six calendar months by an officer appointed by the Chairman of the State Transport Authority, in consultation with the Controller, Weights and Measures, Haryana.

(2) No weighing device shall be installed without the approval of the State Transport Authority.

(3) The State Transport Authority, while giving approval for the installation of a weighing device in terms of sub-rule (2), shall have regard to the following matters:

Restriction on Driving with Gear Disengaged in Haryana[Section 138(2)(f)].

Within the limits specified in the Third Schedule and elsewhere on any hill marked by traffic sign No. 10 in Part A of the Schedule to the Act, no person shall drive a motor vehicle with the clutch pedal depressed or with any free wheel or other device in operation which frees the engine from the driving wheel and prevents the engine from acting as a brake when the vehicle is traveling down an incline.

Prohibition on Mounting or Taking Hold of Vehicles in Motion [Section 138(2)(g)].

(1) No person shall mount or attempt to mount on or dismount from any motor vehicle when the motor vehicle is in motion.

(2) No person shall take hold of and no driver of a motor vehicle shall cause or allow any person to take hold of any motor vehicle when in motion for the purpose of being towed or drawn upon some other wheeled vehicle or otherwise.

Towing in Haryana[Section 138(2)(g)].

(1) No vehicle other than a mechanically disabled or incompletely assembled motor vehicle or a registered trailer shall be drawn or towed by any motor vehicle.

(2) No motor vehicle other than a registered trailer shall be drawn or towed by any other motor vehicle unless there is in the driver's seat of the motor vehicle being drawn or towed a person holding a license authorizing him to drive that type of vehicle or unless the steering wheels of the motor vehicle being towed are firmly and securely supported clear of the road surface by some crane or other device on the vehicle which is drawing or towing it.

(3) When a motor vehicle is being towed by another motor vehicle, the clear distance between the rear of the front vehicle and the front of the rear vehicle shall at no time exceed 4.6 meters. Steps shall be taken to render the tow rope or chain easily distinguishable by other users of the road, and there shall be clearly displayed on the rear of the vehicle being towed in black letters not less than 75 millimeters high and on a white ground the words "ON TOW".

Provided that no person shall be liable to be convicted for the contravention of this sub-rule for failure to display the words "ON TOW" if the motor vehicle which is towing the other is not a motor vehicle adapted and ordinarily used for the purpose and so long as the vehicle is being towed between the place of the breakdown and the nearest place on the route at which the necessary materials can be obtained.

(4) No motor vehicle when towing another vehicle other than a trailer or sidecar shall be driven at a speed exceeding twenty-five kilometers per hour.

Traffic Aggregation in Haryana[Section 138(2)(h)].

Where any road or street is provided with footpaths or tracks reserved for cycles or specified classes of other traffic, no person shall, save with the sanction of a police officer in uniform, drive any motor vehicle or cause or allow any motor vehicle to be driven on any such footpath or track.

Projection of Loads [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) Nothing shall be placed or carried upon the outside of the roof of a double-decked public service vehicle.

(2) No person shall drive and no person shall cause or allow to be driven in any public place any motor vehicle which is loaded in a manner likely to cause danger or injury to any person or in such a manner that the load or any part thereof or anything extends:

(3) The provisions of clause (c) of sub-rule (2) shall not apply to goods carriages when loaded with any pole or other projecting things so long as:

(4) A Regional Transport Authority or its officer if so authorized by it may, by an order in writing, in emergent cases, exempt any motor vehicle for such period and subject to such conditions as may be specified, from any or all the provisions of this rule.

Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Haryana[Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) Except for the fuel and lubricant necessary for the use of the vehicle, the carriage of goods of dangerous and hazardous nature to human life, highly inflammable or otherwise dangerous substances shall not be carried on any vehicle unless it is so packed or the body has been so fabricated as approved by the Controller of Explosives, Government of India or by an officer authorized by him in this behalf that even in the case of an accident to the vehicle it is unlikely to cause damage or injury to the vehicle or person carried thereon or to any public property.

(2) If in the opinion of an officer authorized by the Transport Commissioner, any vehicle is at any time loaded in contravention of sub-rule (1), he may order the driver or other person in charge of the motor vehicle to remove or replace the carriage of goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life as may be specified by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Haryana, otherwise the vehicle or goods shall be liable to be impounded by the officer so authorized with the help of police authorities of the area.

Sound Signals [Section 111(2)(b) and 138(2)(i)].

(1) No driver of a vehicle shall sound the horn or other device for giving audible warning with which the motor vehicle is equipped or shall cause or allow any other person to do so continuously or to an extent beyond what is necessary to ensure safety.

(2) The Regional Transport Authority may, by notification published in the Official Gazette or in one or more newspapers in circulation in the area and by the erection in suitably placed traffic sign No. 7 as set forth in the 5th Schedule to the Act, prohibit the use by drivers of motor vehicles of any horn or other device for giving audible warning in any area during such hours as may be specified by him in the notification. Provided that when the Regional Transport Authority prohibits the use of any horn or other device for giving audible warning during certain specified hours, he shall cause a suitable notice, in English and Hindi languages, to be affixed below traffic sign setting forth the hours within which such use is prohibited.

Cuts-outs [Section 138(2)(i)].

No driver of a motor vehicle shall in any public place make use of any cutouts or any other device by means of which the exhaust gases of the engine are released save through the silencer.

Restriction on Traveling Backward in Haryana[Section 138(2)(i)].

No driver of a motor vehicle shall cause the vehicle to travel backward without first satisfying himself that he will not thereby cause danger or undue inconvenience to any person, or in any circumstances save in the case of a road roller, for any greater distance or period of time which may be reasonably necessary in order to turn the vehicle round.

Use of Lamps When a Vehicle is at Rest [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) If within the limit of an urban area a motor vehicle is at rest within the hours during which lights are required at the left-hand side of any road or street or elsewhere in any duly appointed parking place, it shall not be necessary for the motor vehicle to exhibit any lights save as may be required generally or specifically by the Regional Transport Authority.

(2) Outside the limits of an urban area, if a motor vehicle is at rest within the hours during which lights are required in such a position as not to cause danger or undue inconvenience to other users of the road, it shall not be necessary for the vehicle motor to display any lights.

Dazzling Lights [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) The driver of a motor vehicle shall at all times when the lights of the motor vehicle are in use manipulate them so that danger or undue inconvenience is not caused to any person by dazzle.

(2) The Regional Transport Authority may, by notification in the Official Gazette and by the erection of suitable notices in English and Hindi languages within such areas or in such places as may be specified in the notification, prohibit the use of lamps giving a powerful or intense light.

Visibility of Lamps and Registration Marks in Haryana[Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) No load or other thing shall be placed on any motor vehicle so as at any time to mark or otherwise obstruct the vision of any lamp, registration mark, or other mark required to be carried by or exhibited on any motor vehicle by or under the provisions of the Act, unless a duplicate of the lamp or mark so marked or otherwise obscured is exhibited in the manner required by or under that Act for the exhibition of the marked or obscured lamp or mark.

(2) All registration and other marks required to be exhibited on a motor vehicle by or under the provisions of the Act shall at all times be maintained as far as may be reasonably possible in a clear and legible condition.

Stop Sign on Road Surface [Sections 112, 115 and 138(2)(h)(i)].

(1) When any line is painted on or inlaid into the surface of any road at approach to a road junction or to a pedestrian crossing or otherwise, no driver shall drive a motor vehicle so that any part thereof projects beyond that line at any time when a signal to stop is being given by a police officer or by means of traffic control lights or by the temporary display of sign No. 3 of the schedule to the Act.

(2) A line for the purposes of this rule shall not be less than 50 millimeters in width at any part and shall be either in white or yellow color.

Special Provisions on Hill Roads [Sections 112, 115 and 138(2)(i)].

On the roads enumerated in the Third Schedule to these rules, all drivers shall observe the following special rules:

Trailers Prohibited with Motorcycles [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) A motorcycle with not more than two wheels with or without a sidecar shall not draw a trailer.

(2) No motor vehicle shall draw a trailer exceeding 227 kilograms in weight unladen or 1.5 meters in overall width except with permission of the State Transport Authority.

Prohibitions of Attachment of Trailer to Certain Vehicles in Haryana[Section 138(2)(i)].

No motor vehicle which exceeds 9.14 meters in length shall draw a trailer. Provided that this rule shall not apply to any motor vehicle being towed in consequence of disablement.

Attendants on Trailers [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) When a trailer or trailers are being drawn by a motor vehicle, these shall be carried in the trailer or trailers or on the drawing motor vehicle, as the case may be, the following persons not being less than eighteen years of age and competent to discharge their duties, that is to say:

(2) This rule shall not apply:

Distinguishing Mark for Trailers [Section 65(2)(g) and 138(2)(i)].

(1) No person shall drive or offer or cause to be driven in any public place any motor vehicle to which trailer or trailers are attached unless there is exhibited on the back of the trailer or the last trailer in train, as the case may be, a distinguishing mark in the form set out in the diagram contained in the Fourth Schedule to these rules in white color on the black ground.

(2) The mark shall be kept clear and unobscured and shall be fixed to the trailer that:

(3) This rule shall not apply to the cases referred to in clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of sub-rule (2) of rule 180.

Use of Trailers [Section 138(2)(i)].

(1) No trailer other than the trailing half of an articulated vehicle shall be attached to a public service vehicle.

(2) Save in the case of a trailer being used for the carriage of troops or police or in the case of a tractor trailer used for agricultural purposes and carrying not more than six persons including the attendant, no person other than the attendant or attendants as required by Rule 180 shall be carried on a trailer.

Crossing Unmanned Railway Level Crossing [Section 138(2)(i)].

On the approach of any railway crossing guarded or unguarded, the driver of every motor vehicle shall stop the vehicle and shall not enter the railway crossing until he has himself sure that the railway track on both sides is clear.

Traffic Signals [Sections 119 and 138(2)(i)].

Every driver of a motor vehicle shall comply with the traffic signals specified in the Fifth Schedule to these rules given to him by any police officer for the time being engaged in the regulation of traffic in any public place.

Use of Protective Headgear [Sections 129 and 138(2)(i)].

Every person driving or riding a motorcycle of any class or description shall wear a protective headgear approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards from time to time. Provided that in addition to the persons exempted under the provisions of section 129, persons who are medically advised by a Chief Medical Officer not to wear such headgear or a Sikh or a woman shall not be required to wear headgear.

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