Learner Licence questions Gurugram

Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Answer Image
Near a pedestrian crossing, when the pedestrians are waiting to cross the road, you should Sound horn and proceed Slow down, sound horn and pass Stop the vehicle and wait till the pedestrians cross the road and then proceed 3
The following sign represents. Stop No parking Hospital ahead 1 stop
You are approaching a narrow bridge, another vehicle is about to enter the bridge from opposite side you should Increase the speed and try to cross the bridge as fast as possible Put on the head light and pass the bridge Wait till the other vehicle crosses the bridge and then proceed 3
The following sign represents. Keep left There is no road to the left Compulsory turn left 3 keep left
When a vehicle is involved in an accident causing injury to any person Take the vehicle to the nearest police station and report the accident Stop the vehicle and report to the police station Take all reasonable steps to secure medical attention to the injured and report to the nearest police station within 24 hours 3
The following sign represents. Give way Hospital ahead Traffic island ahead 1 give way
On a road designated as one way Parking is prohibited Overtaking is prohibited Should not drive in reverse gear 3
The following sign represents. No entry One way Speed limit ends 2 one way
You can overtake a vehicle in front Through the right side of that vehicle Through the left side Through the left side, if the road is wide 1
The following sign represents. Right turn prohibited Sharp curve to the right U-turn prohibited 3 u-turn
When a vehicle approaches an unguarded railway level crossing, before crossing it, the driver shall Stop the vehicle on the left side of the road, get down from the vehicle, go to the railway track, and ensure that no train or trolley is coming from either side Sound horn and cross the track as fast as possible Wait till the train passes 1
The following sign represents. Pedestrian crossing Pedestrians may enter Pedestrians prohibited 1 Pedestrian crossing
How can you distinguish a transport vehicle. By looking at the tyre size. By colour of the vehicle. By looking at the number plate of the vehicle. 3
The following sign represents. Keep right side Parking on the right allowed Compulsory turn to right 2 Parking on the right allowed
Validity of learners licence Till the driving licence is obtained 6 months 30 days 2
The following sign represents. U-Turn prohibited Right turn prohibited Overtaking through left prohibited 2 Right turn prohibited
In a road without footpath, the pedestrians Should walk on the left side of the road Should walk on the right side of the road May walk on either side of the road 2
The following sign represents. Horn prohibited Compulsory sound horn May sound horn 1 horn prohoboted
Free passage should be given to the following types of vehicles Police vehicles. Ambulance and fire service vehicles Express, Super Express buses 2
The following sign represents. Roads on both sides in front Narrow bridge ahead Narrow road ahead 2 Narrow bridge ahead
Vehicles proceeding from opposite direction should be allowed to pass through . Your right side Your left side The convenient side 1
The following sign represents. First aid post Resting place Hospital 3 hospital
Driver of a vehicle may overtake. while driving down hill If the road is sufficiently wide When the driver of the vehicle in front shows the signal to overtake 3
The following sign represents. First aid post Resting place Hospital 1 first aid post
Driver of a motor vehicle shall drive through The right side of the road The left side of the road The Center of the road 2
The following sign represents. Hospital Resting place First aid post 2 resting place
When a Vehicle is parked on the road side during night The vehicle should be locked The person having licence to drive such a vehicle should be in the drivers seat The park light shall remain lit 3
The following sign represents. Road closed No parking End of speed restriction 3 end of speed restriction
Fog lamps are used During night. When there is mist. When the opposite vehicle is not using dim light 2
The following sign represents. Narrow road ahead Narrow bridge ahead Roads on both sides ahead 1 Narrow road ahead
Zebra lines are meant for. Stopping vehicle. Pedestrians crossing For giving preference to vehicle 2
The following sign represents. Railway station near Level crossing unguarded Level crossing Guarded 2 level crossing unguarded
When an ambulance is approaching .. Allow passage if there are no vehicles from front side. No preference need be given. The driver shall allow free passage by drawing to the side of the road 3
The following sign represents. Entry through right side prohibited Entry through left prohibited Overtaking prohibited 3 overtaking prohibited
Red traffic light indicates . Vehicle can proceed with caution. Stop the vehicle. Slow down. 2
The following sign represents. Cross road No entry Hospital 1 cross road
Parking a vehicle in front of entrance to hospital Proper Improper Proper if NO PARKING sign is not provided 2
The following sign represents. Restriction ends No entry No overtaking 2 no entry
Where the slippery road sign is seen on the road, the driver shall Reduce the speed by changing the gear Apply brake Proceed in the same speed 1
The following sign represents. May turn to left Compulsory go ahead or turn left Side road left 3 side road left
Overtaking is prohibited in following circumstances When it is likely to cause inconvenience or danger to other traffic When the vehicle in front is reducing speed During night 1
The following sign represents. Sound horn compulsory Sound horn continuously Horn prohibited 1 sound horn compulsory
Overtaking when approaching a bend Is permissible Not permissible Is permissible with care 2
The following sign represents. Road to the right in front Compulsory turn right Turn to right prohibited 2 compulsory turn right
Drunken driving Allowed in private vehicles Allowed during night time Prohibited in all vehicles. 3
The following sign represents. End of restriction Do not stop No parking 3 no parking
Use of horn prohibited Mosque, Church and Temple Near Hospital, Courts of Law Near Police Station 2
The sign represents Go straight One-way Prohibited in both direction 2 one way
Rear view mirror is used For seeing face For watching the traffic approaching from behind For seeing the back seat passenger 2
The sign represents No entry for motor vehicles No entry for cars and motor cycles Entry allowed for cars and motor vehicles 2 no enty for car and motor cycle

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