Learner Licence questions Meerut

Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Answer Image
When lorries are loaded The load can be projected to both sides within 30 cm. The load shall not project on both sides. The load can be projected to both sides within 50 cm. 2
Maximum length of load that can be projected from the rear part of a goods carriage…. 150 cm 100 cm 120 cm 2
Maximum permissible speed of heavy motor vehicles in the cities…….. 35 Km/hr 45 Km/hr 60 Km/hr 2
Maximum distance allowed between towing and towed vehicles….. 15 meters 5 meters 10 meters 2
Maximum permissible speed of a motor cycle in cities…. 40 km/hour 30 km/hour 50 km/hour 1
You are driving on a two-lane street, vehicle in front of you is moving very slowly and the road ahead is clear for overtaking, you should… Pass the vehicle from the left hand side. Pass the vehicle from the right hand side. Pass the vehicle from any convenient side. 1
Maximum speed permitted for vehicles towing another vehicle……. 20 km/hour 24 km/hour 32 km/hour 2
Motor vehicle which is not permitted to drive in ghat roads at a speed of more than 30 Km/h……. heavy passenger vehicle motor car Autorickshaw 2
Circumstances in which a motor cycle can be driven at the speed of 60 km/hour….. During night. During day time. Under no circumstances. 3
The maximum speed permitted for motor cycles in city during night time…. 25 Km/hr 30 Km/hr 40 Km/hr 2
Maximum permitted weight that can be carried on a goods carriage…. No limit allowed as per permit 10 ton 2
The minimum fine for over-loading in goods carriage…. Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/- Rs. 3000/- 2
Maximum permissible speed of an autorickshaw near educational institution…. 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 20 km/hour 2
Maximum permissible speed of a light motor vehicle near educational institution…. 45 km/hour 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 3
Maximum permissible speed of motor car on ghat roads…. 40 km/hour 30 km/hour 20 km/hour 1
Maximum permissible speed of motor cycle on ghat roads…. 30 km/hour 35 km/hour 40 km/hour 3
Maximum permissible speed of an autorickshaw…. 50 Km/hr 30 Km/hr 40 Km/hr 3
Maximum permissible speed of a light motor vehicle…. 60 Km/hr 70 Km/hr No limit 1
Maximum permissible speed of a medium motor vehicle… 80 Km/hr 65 Km/hr 70 Km/hr 2
According to section 112 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988… Speed limit shall not be exceeded Shall not drive after consuming alcohol Shall not use vehicle on road without paying tax 1
Section 113 of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 stipulates that the driver should not drive a vehicle….. After consuming alcohol. Exceeding the speed limit Exceeding the weight permitted to carry 3
Maximum speed allowed to vehicles passing a procession…. 15 KM/hr 25 KM/hr 35 KM/hr 1
The height limit of load on goods vehicle from ground level….. 3.8 meters 3 meters no limit. 1
Maximum permissible speed of heavy motor vehicle near education institution…. 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 15 km/hour 3
Maximum permissible speed of heavy passenger motor vehicle near educational institution ….. 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 15 km/hour 3
According to section 129 of Motor Vehicle Act 1988 a person driving a motor cycle shall…. wear jerkins wear helmet wear shoes 2
Maximum permissible speed of a medium motor vehicle near educational institution…. 15 km/hour 25 km/hour 35 km/hour 1
Maximum permissible speed of autorickshaws on ghat road….. 30 km/hour 40 km/hour 20 km/hour 1
Maximum permissible speed of heavy motor vehicles on ghat roads…. 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 15 km/hour 1
Maximum permissible speed of autorickshaw in cities and municipal towns….. 40 Km/hr 30 Km/hr 20 cm 2
Maximum permissible speed of heavy motor vehicles…. 70 Km/hr 65 Km/hr 50 Km/hr 2
Maximum permissible speed of medium motor vehicles on ghat roads… 45 km/hour 35 km/hour 25 km/hour 2
You wish to take "U" turn at an intersection controlled by a traffic light you should …. Drive to another intersection that has no traffic light Wait until the light turns green before making the "U" turn Make the "U" turn if there is a policeman at the intersection 3
Zig-Zag driving is…. Dangerous to two-wheelers only Dangerous to all at all times Dangerous to four-wheelers vehicles 2
You are on a long downhill slope. What should you do to help control the speed of your vehicle? change to low gear Stop the Engine select neutral 1
To supervise a learner driver you MUST…. Be an approved driving instructor Hold a Driving licence Hold a learner’s licence 1
While on a roundabout traffic entering has right of way traffic existing has right of way traffic on the roundabout has right of way 3
It is essential to wear a helmet while driving a two-wheeler because…. It is for your individual safety Otherwise you will be caught by the traffic police It is necessary for uniformity on the road 1
You are behind a bus that has stopped to pick up or drop off passengers you should….. wait behind patiently overtake from the left overtake from the pedestrians 1
You are overtaking a car at night. You must ensure that…. you do not dazzle other road users you flash headlamps before overtaking your rear fog lights are switched on 2
The middle lane is for…. overtaking two wheelers traffic at 40 km/h 3
A flashing yellow signal is used when….. traffic lights aren’t working you should slow down & proceed with caution men are at work 2
You stop for pedestrians waiting to cross at a zebra crossing. They do not start to cross. What should you do? sound your horn be patient and wait drive on 2
You are allowed to park…. on a footpath at top of a hill neither of these two alternatives 3
A high beam in foggy conditions…. is good because you can see more is bad because it reflects back and can dazzle make sure others can see you 2
Dipping your lights is necessary when….. you want to overtake it is foggy following a vehicle 2
When approaching a crossing where you are to go straight…. change lanes to the right lane change lanes at least 50 mts ahead to the middle lane change lanes to the middle lane at the crossing 2
You are driving. A vehicle comes up quickly behind, flashing head lamps. You should….. accelerate to maintain gap behind you touch the brakes to show your brake lights allow the vehicle to overtake, if safe 3
When must you use a dipped high beam headlight during the day? in poor visibility and highways on country roads along narrow streets 1
You are driving in rain. Why should you keep well back from the vehicle in front? in case it changes direction suddenly in case its fog lights dazzle you in case it stops suddenly 3
What can cause hard steering? badly worn tyre over inflated tyre under inflated tyre 3
Motorcyclists usually cause hazard by… Speed more than permitted passing very close to you by driving in the zigzag manner all of the above 3
You are waiting at a T-Junction. A vehicle is coming from the left with right signal flashing, you should… accelerate hard and move forward move forward slowly wait until the vehicle turns to the right side 3
While you reach a junction with limited visibility you should… look both ways and move carefully look at right and move slowly move quickly 1
You should switch on your hazard warning lights… When you are moving straight When your vehicle is parked and the same is causing inconvenience to other road users when your vehicle is parked in a no parking area 2
You are driving on a well-lit motorway at night, you must… use your headlight on high beam always use your headlights in low beam always use hazard light 2
Anti-lock braking system prevents wheels from locking. This avoids tyres to… Puncture skid wear 2

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