Learner Licence questions Noida

Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Answer Image
A cyclist is signalling to turn right and drawn to center of the road, you should overtake through left side sound horn continually overtake through right side only 1
Driving at high speed gives you better fuel efficiency take less time for your journey reduces time to react to hazard 3
While driving, avoid observing traffic rules reacting to wrong behaviour of other drivers observing the dashboard gauges 2
The continuous yellow line in the centre of the road means no parking do not overtake stop 2
In this carriageway you can drive above 50 km/hr below 50 km/hr up to a maximum legal speed permitted to your vehicle 2 below 50 km
When you approach a bridge you should slow down and do not overtake beware of pedestrians switch on the headlights 1
When approaching a right-hand curve, you should keep well to the left to improve your view of the road avoid skid pass the vehicle from behind 1
While you are approaching a staggered junction, you should slow the vehicle maintain your speed and sound the horn use hazard warning light 1 slow the vehicle
At the Blind Junction you must stop only if there is traffic on the main road behind the line and move forward slowly as vision improves only if you are turning to the right 2
You entered a one-way in the opposite direction unknowingly, you should reverse out of the road turn back carefully and drive away continue to the end of the road 2
While driving through a main road another vehicle is reversing from a side road, You should Move to the opposite side of the road speed up and drive through quickly sound your horn and be prepared to stop 3
Approaching a crossroad, the driver of the long vehicle ahead of you, signals right and moves to left, You should sound horn and warn the driver wait behind the vehicle overtake on the right-hand side 2
Basic rule on a two-lane highway is keep to the left lane unless overtaking keep the lane with the least traffic always keep to the right lane at high speed 1
You meet an obstruction on your side of the road, You should move on as you have priority accelerate to move quickly give way to oncoming traffic 3
The white line along the side of the road means no parking means no overtaking edge of carriageway 3
The mandatory signs giving orders are mostly in Red/Blue circles Red Triangles Base triangles 1
This line means cross it whenever you feel cross it when it is safe and come back after overtaking not cross it under any circumstances 2 cross it when it is safe and come back after overtaking
Vehicles adjacent to the solid line can cross line for overtaking cannot cross for overtaking cannot stop 2 cannot cross for over taking
Before you make a "U" turn you should Select the neutral gear and the indicator, show the signal for a right turn, watch in the rear view mirror wait for signal to turn red 2
While taking a "U" turn in this road, You should Move forward since prohibited Look in the mirror, give signal, and turn show the signal, pass the vehicle from the opposite direction, and turn 1 Move forward since prohibited
When you are moving from a parking place, You should use the rear view mirrors, check in the blind spot, and give signal look around the vehicle sound horn and move ahead 1
When do you stop on a motorway when ordered by police or if traffic signal is red in an emergency or breakdown all of the above 3
You are intending to turn left, you should position your vehicle at the middle lane the left hand lane on the shoulder of the road 2
You are in a wrong lane while approaching a busy junction you should continue in that lane stop until other lane is cleared show signal and cut across 1
When going straight ahead at a roundabout indicate right signal and then left signal No signal is required use hazard warning lamp 2
You must not reverse your vehicle on a busy road on a one-way road all of the above 3
When do you reverse from a side road into a main road only if both roads are clear and empty at any time legally not permitted 3
When approaching from the rear, where two lanes of traffic have stopped at a signal, you should pass all the vehicles and stop in front of them stop behind the last vehicle in the appropriate lane stop anywhere 2
Rear Mirror is slightly curved to give a wider field of vision cover the blind spot totally judge the speed of following vehicle 1
Noise pollution may result in disturbing mental equilibrium disturbing the concentration of the driver all of the above 3
Air pollution affects Human beings only plants and animals only all of the above 3
Fitment of multi-toned horns on a motor vehicle is permitted only in emergencies an offence under the law as it causes noise pollution for avoiding accidents 2
Your vehicle pulls to one side while braking, You should change the tyres around pump the pedal when braking consult your mechanic 3
What is the common cause of skidding bad condition of tyres and road error of driver both of the above 3
While traveling you are dazzled by headlights of an oncoming vehicle, you should pull down your sun visor slow down and stop switch on your main beam 2
What is a blind spot An area not seen in your rear view mirrors an area not covered by headlights an area not covered by the rear view mirror inside your vehicle 1
While approaching a road under repair, you comply the permitted speed limit during daytime and working is going on during nighttime only at all times 3
An accident has just happened and the injured person is lying on the road, you should protect the area and inform the authorities protect the area and give first aid to injured protect the area, give first aid, take the injured to the hospital, and inform the authorities 3
What is the main aim of first aid To treat the injury To prevent aggravating the injury and its effects all of the above 2
How does alcohol affect your driving It increases your awareness It reduces your concentration and attention It increases your confidence 2
Which of these lights will come after Amber at a traffic light Red Green red or green 1
While driving you start feeling tired or unable to concentrate, You should Stop as soon as it is safe to do so and take rest Switch on the stereo to help you concentrate Speed up to get to your destination sooner 1
You are driving at night, what can you do to help you keep alert? Take proper rest periods at correct intervals Walk around in fresh air after a rest stop Both of the above 2
You are driving a car during a journey, you are feeling ill and unable to concentrate, what should you do? Increase your speed to finish your work earlier Continue your journey and keep your windows open Stop in a safe place and if possible seek medical attention 3
Anti-lock braking system is designed to prevent the driving wheel from spinning prevent moisture from building up inside the braking system prevent wheels from locking up on braking and avoid skidding of the tyres 3
What is "brake fade" A reduction of air pressure Smooth progressive braking Reduction of braking effectiveness 3
To prevent brake fade while descending you should select neutral for a short distance repeatedly pump the brake pedal select a suitable higher power gear and apply brakes if only necessary 3
When stopping on an uphill gradient, one should Hold the vehicle on the clutch Hold the vehicle on the foot brake Hold the vehicle applying parking brake after stopping 3
You are driving behind a large vehicle, how can you improve your view ahead? Overtake as soon as you can Move over to the left Stay further back 3
While driving through a flooded road what should you do? Stop the vehicle until the flood stops Watch flood level gauge, drive in high torque gear with high acceleration Drive in high torque gear with low acceleration 2
Driving the vehicle in neutral gear downhill is dangerous because it affects the Cooling system Speed governor Brake system 3
What is the benefit of power-assisted steering Reduce tyre wear Assist with braking Reduce driving effort 3
How can you avoid harsh driving? Gently apply the parking brake Plan and take earlier action in using brakes Slow down by using gears only 2
On which occasions would passengers be most likely to notice weight transfer? Braking Cornering Both of the above 3
Which of the following should you do before a bend, roundabout, or corner? Select the appropriate gear Adjust your speed Both of the above 3
Hazard warning lamps may only be used at certain times for going ahead at a junction For slowing down the rear vehicle for emergency parking especially on high ways and busy roads 3

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