Section 60: Registration of Central Government Vehicles

What does Section 60 of the Motor Vehicles Act pertain to?

Section 60 deals with the registration of motor vehicles owned by the Central Government and used exclusively for non-commercial purposes related to national defense.

Who can register motor vehicles belonging to the Central Government under Section 60?

Authorities specified by the Central Government through notification in the Official Gazette have the authority to register motor vehicles owned by the Central Government.

What are the conditions for registering Central Government vehicles under Section 60?

Vehicles must be exclusively controlled by the Central Government and used for defense-related purposes not linked to commercial activities to qualify for registration under this section.

How is a motor vehicle registered under Section 60 identified?

The registering authority assigns a registration mark in compliance with rules established by the Central Government. A certificate is issued confirming that the vehicle meets all requirements under the Motor Vehicles Act.

What happens if a registered Central Government vehicle is no longer under government control?

Upon ceasing to be the property or under exclusive control of the Central Government, the vehicle becomes subject to standard registration requirements outlined in sections 39 and 40 of the Motor Vehicles Act.

What information does the registering authority provide to State Governments regarding Central Government vehicles?

The registering authority must furnish information to State Governments upon request, including details about the vehicle's dimensions, axle weights, and general specifications.

Section 61. Application of Chapter to trailers.

How does Section 61 of the Motor Vehicles Act apply to trailers?

Section 61 mandates that the provisions concerning registration of motor vehicles also apply to trailers.

How is the registration mark of a trailer displayed?

The registration mark assigned to a trailer must be displayed on the side of the drawing vehicle, as specified by rules prescribed by the Central Government.

Are there specific rules for displaying registration marks on trailers?

Yes, it is mandatory that no motor vehicle towing a trailer can be driven unless the registration mark of the towing vehicle is displayed on the trailer or the last trailer in the train. This is regulated by guidelines set forth by the Central Government.

Can trailers be registered separately from the vehicles towing them?

No, trailers must comply with the same registration requirements as other motor vehicles under Chapter V of the Motor Vehicles Act.

What is the purpose of displaying registration marks on trailers?

Displaying registration marks on trailers ensures compliance with legal requirements and facilitates identification and regulation of vehicles on the road.

Who sets the guidelines for displaying registration marks on trailers?

The Central Government prescribes the manner in which registration marks must be displayed on trailers, ensuring uniformity and adherence to regulations.

Section 62. Information regarding stolen and recovered motor vehicles to be furnished by the police to the State Transport Authority.

What does Section 62 of the Motor Vehicles Act deal with?

Section 62 pertains to the obligation of the State Government to direct the submission of information by the police regarding stolen vehicles and recovered stolen vehicles to the State Transport Authority.

Who is responsible for providing information about stolen and recovered vehicles under Section 62?

The Inspector General of Police and other specified police officers, as designated by the State Government, are required to submit returns containing information on stolen vehicles and those that have been recovered.

Why is it important for the police to furnish information about stolen vehicles?

Furnishing information about stolen vehicles helps in tracking and recovering them, ensuring public safety and reducing vehicle-related crimes.

How often and in what format must the police provide this information?

The State Government prescribes the period and format for submitting returns on stolen and recovered vehicles to the State Transport Authority, ensuring timely and organized reporting.

What role does the State Transport Authority play in managing this information?

The State Transport Authority utilizes the information provided by the police to maintain records and possibly take administrative actions related to vehicle thefts and recoveries.

How does Section 62 contribute to public safety and vehicle security?

By requiring timely reporting of stolen and recovered vehicles, Section 62 facilitates efficient law enforcement and enhances measures to prevent vehicle theft and trafficking.

Section 62A. Prohibition of registration and issuance of certificate of fitness to oversized vehicles.

What does Section 62A of the Motor Vehicles Act specify?

Section 62A prohibits the registration of motor vehicles and the issuance of certificates of fitness to vehicles that do not comply with rules made under section 110(a) of the Act.

What types of vehicles are affected by Section 62A?

Section 62A applies to oversized vehicles that contravene regulations specified under section 110(a) of the Motor Vehicles Act.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with Section 62A?

Registering authorities are prohibited from registering any motor vehicle that violates rules outlined under section 110(a). Similarly, prescribed authorities and authorised testing stations cannot issue certificates of fitness to vehicles that do not adhere to these rules.

Why is there a prohibition on registering oversized vehicles under Section 62A?

The prohibition aims to maintain road safety standards by preventing the registration and certification of motor vehicles that exceed permissible size limits set forth in the rules under section 110(a).

What happens if an oversized vehicle is found to be registered or certified against Section 62A?

If it is discovered that a vehicle has been registered or issued a certificate of fitness despite contravening the rules specified under section 110(a), regulatory authorities may take corrective measures and enforce penalties as per the Motor Vehicles Act.

How does Section 62A contribute to road safety and regulatory compliance?

Section 62A ensures that vehicles operating on public roads comply with size regulations, thereby enhancing overall road safety and minimizing risks associated with oversized vehicles.

Section 62B. National Register of Motor Vehicles.

What is the National Register of Motor Vehicles according to Section 62B of the Motor Vehicles Act?

Section 62B mandates the Central Government to maintain a National Register of Motor Vehicles in a prescribed form and manner.

What is the purpose of the National Register of Motor Vehicles?

The National Register consolidates all State Registers of Motor Vehicles into a unified database managed by the Central Government, ensuring streamlined record-keeping and administration.

Is there a requirement for unique registration numbers under the National Register of Motor Vehicles?

Yes, no certificate of registration issued or renewed under the Motor Vehicles Act is considered valid unless it has been assigned a unique registration number under the National Register.

How do State Governments contribute to the National Register of Motor Vehicles?

State Governments and registering authorities must transmit all information and data from their respective State Registers of Motor Vehicles to the Central Government in the format prescribed.

Can State Governments access and update records in the National Register of Motor Vehicles?

Yes, State Governments are authorized to access the National Register of Motor Vehicles and update records as per the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act and rules established by the Central Government.

What benefits does the National Register of Motor Vehicles provide?

The National Register enhances efficiency in vehicle registration and management, improves data accuracy, and supports effective implementation of motor vehicle regulations nationwide.

Section 63. Maintenance of State Registers of Motor Vehicles.

What does Section 63 of the Motor Vehicles Act pertain to?

Section 63 mandates each State Government to maintain a register known as the State Register of Motor Vehicles, containing specific details about motor vehicles registered within that state.

What information is included in the State Register of Motor Vehicles?

The register includes particulars such as registration numbers, years of manufacture, classes, types of vehicles, names, and addresses of registered owners, and any other details prescribed by the Central Government.

How is the State Register of Motor Vehicles maintained?

Each State Government is responsible for maintaining the State Register of Motor Vehicles in the manner prescribed by the Central Government, ensuring accuracy and completeness of vehicle records.

What is the purpose of supplying a printed copy of the State Register to the Central Government?

The State Government must provide a printed copy of the State Register of Motor Vehicles to the Central Government upon request and promptly inform of any updates or amendments to the register.

Who determines the format and maintenance procedures for the State Register of Motor Vehicles?

The format and maintenance procedures for the State Register are prescribed by the Central Government, ensuring consistency and standardization across states.

How does the State Register of Motor Vehicles facilitate administrative functions?

The register aids in the effective administration of motor vehicle regulations, facilitates law enforcement, and supports policy-making decisions related to transport management.

Section 64. Power of Central Government to make rules.

What authority does Section 64 of the Motor Vehicles Act confer on the Central Government?

Section 64 empowers the Central Government to make rules concerning various aspects related to motor vehicles, ensuring regulatory compliance and operational standards.

What are some specific matters for which the Central Government can make rules under Section 64?

The Central Government can make rules regarding:

How do rules made under Section 64 impact vehicle owners and authorities?

Rules formulated under Section 64 ensure standardized procedures, enhance road safety, streamline administrative processes, and facilitate effective governance of motor vehicle operations across India.

Why is compliance with rules under Section 64 important for stakeholders in the motor vehicle sector?

Compliance ensures adherence to legal requirements, avoids penalties, supports efficient vehicle management, and contributes to overall regulatory harmony in the transportation ecosystem.

How does Section 64 contribute to the overall governance framework of motor vehicles in India?

Section 64 enables the Central Government to establish comprehensive guidelines that govern various facets of motor vehicle registration, operation, safety, and compliance, promoting uniformity and efficiency nationwide.

Section 65. Power of State Government to make rules.

What authority does Section 65 of the Motor Vehicles Act grant to State Governments?

Section 65 empowers State Governments to create rules specifically to implement the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, excluding matters already covered under rules made by the Central Government as per Section 64.

What are the specific areas that State Government rules under Section 65 may address?

State Government rules may cover:

How do rules made by State Governments under Section 65 impact stakeholders in the motor vehicle sector?

These rules ensure local implementation of national regulations, streamline administrative processes, and address specific regional needs and conditions, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and compliance.

Why is compliance with State Government rules under Section 65 important for motor vehicle owners and operators?

Compliance ensures adherence to state-specific regulations, avoids penalties, supports smooth vehicle operations, and contributes to overall road safety and regulatory harmony.

How does Section 65 contribute to the governance framework of motor vehicles at the state level?

Section 65 empowers State Governments to tailor rules that complement central regulations, ensuring effective enforcement, administration, and management of motor vehicle activities within their jurisdictions.

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