Construction,Equipment & Maintenance of Motor Vehicles in Rajasthan

Q: What are the regulations regarding the use of motor vehicles that do not comply with the rules?


Q: Under what conditions may red lights be used on motor vehicles?


Q: What are the requirements for mirrors on motor vehicles in Rajasthan?


Q: What are the restrictions regarding the installation of television sets or videos in motor vehicles?

A: Television sets or videos must not be fitted or kept on or near the dashboard of a motor vehicle or within the driver’s view.

Q: What are the rules concerning dangerous projections on motor vehicles?


Q: What are the requirements for springing on motor vehicles and trailers in Rajasthan?


Q: What are the requirements for mudguards on motor vehicles?

A: Every motor vehicle, except tractors and trailers, must have mudguards or similar fittings to catch mud or water thrown up by the wheels unless the vehicle’s body provides adequate protection.

Q: What are the requirements for attaching side-cars and pillion seats to motor cycles?


Q: What are the requirements for communication between passengers and the driver in vehicles with a fixed partition?


Q: What are the restrictions on the use of military colors and registration marks on motor vehicles?


Q: What are the general maintenance requirements for public and private service vehicles?


Q: What are the requirements for the First-Aid equipment in public and private service vehicles?


Q: What are the stability requirements for double-decked and single-decked public service vehicles?


Q: What are the specifications for a sleeper coach vehicle in Rajasthan?


Q: What was Rule 7.14B regarding the seating capacity of stage carriage vehicles, and what happened to it in Rajasthan?


Serial number Wheel base Minimum seating capacity including driver and/or conductor
1. 254 Cms to 293 Cms 16
2. 294 Cms to 305 Cms 20
3. 306 Cms to 343 Cms 25
4. 344 Cms to 407 Cms 30
5. 408 Cms to 432 Cms 35
6. 433 Cms to 496 Cms 45
7. 497 Cms to 534 Cms 50
8. 535 Cms to 541 Cms 55
9. 542 Cms to 561 Cms 60
10. 562 Cms and above 65

Q : What requirements are set for the exhaust pipe of public service vehicles in Rajasthan?

The exhaust pipe of every public service vehicle must be fitted or shielded to ensure that no inflammable material from any part of the vehicle can come into contact with it. The exhaust outlet should be positioned far enough to the rear of the vehicle to prevent fumes from entering the vehicle, as much as practicable.

Q : What is mandated regarding electric wires in public service vehicles?

All electric wires or leads in public service vehicles must be adequately insulated to prevent electrical hazards.

Q : What are the conditions for equipping public service vehicles with fire extinguishers?

The State Transport Authority, with government approval, may require public service vehicles in specific areas to be equipped with a fire extinguishing apparatus of a type it specifies. These fire extinguishers must be inspected periodically by designated individuals. Similarly, a Regional Transport Authority can impose such requirements for any class of public service vehicles within its jurisdiction.

Q : What regulations apply to the fastening of nuts on moving parts of public service vehicles in Rajasthan?

All moving parts of public service vehicles, as well as parts connected by bolts, studs, and nuts that are subject to severe vibration, must be secured with an efficient device to prevent them from becoming loose.

Q : What are the specifications for floor boards in public service vehicles in Rajasthan?

The floor boards of every public service vehicle must be fitted to minimize drafts and dust. They should only be pierced for drainage purposes, with such holes covered by a metallic cover hinged at one end.

Q : What tools and equipment must public service vehicles carry?

Public service vehicles must be equipped with at least one spare wheel or rim with a pneumatic tire in good condition, an efficient jack, tools for changing a wheel or rim, and equipment for repairing punctures. They must also carry a screwdriver, a spare fuse, a side-light bulb, a headlight bulb, or a sealed beam unit if applicable, a fan belt, and an inspection lamp with a 10-meter wire.

Q : What are the inspection requirements for public service vehicles?

If a registering authority believes a vehicle is mechanically defective or fails to meet regulatory requirements, it may be inspected by an Inspector of Motor Vehicles. The vehicle’s registration certificate may be suspended until it is repaired and re-inspected. The registering authority must record inspection dates and vehicle conditions, with a fee of fifty rupees per inspection.

Q : What is the minimum ground clearance required for public service vehicles?

The under parts of the vehicle must be at least 254 mm above the ground when fully loaded. Allowance must be made for tire wear and spring settling to maintain this clearance.

Q : What are the requirements for chassis springs on public service vehicles?

Chassis springs must be properly hung and of sufficient strength and flexibility. Rear springs should be attached as close to the road wheels as possible, and front springs should be widely spaced. Cross springs are prohibited.

Q : How should the wheel tracks of a vehicle be configured?

The distance between the center lines of the front wheels’ tracks should not be less than 69 percent of the vehicle’s overall width.

Q : What are the ventilation requirements for state carriages?

Every state carriage must have adequate ventilation to ensure proper airflow even when windows are closed. If windows can be opened, they should be adjustable to allow proper ventilation.

Q : What are the restrictions on advertising and painting for public service vehicles?

Public service vehicles cannot display advertising devices or markings except as specified by the Regional Transport Authority. Vehicles carrying government mail must display "Mail" in specified colors and sizes. Specific color schemes apply to Rajasthan State Roadways Vehicles and city taxis.

Q : What specifications must goods vehicles adhere to for their loading platforms and bodies?

Goods vehicles must have a strong body or platform capable of carrying the load safely and securely. The load must be packed or fastened within or to the body.

Q : What are the requirements for chocks used with goods vehicles?

Goods vehicles must be equipped with two wedge-shaped chocks to prevent backward movement on slopes. The chocks must be rigid, of specified dimensions, and have a hook for secure storage. Boulder or similar substances are not acceptable substitutes for chocks.

Q : What are the rules for a driver’s seat in goods vehicles?

The provisions for public service vehicles also apply to goods vehicles with bucket-type seats. The State Government may exempt certain vehicles from these provisions under specific conditions.

Q : What is required for the design approval of locally manufactured trailers?

Manufacturers must submit an application with detailed specifications, drawings, and design calculations for approval. The Transport Commissioner forwards these to an approved institute for verification. The maximum fee for checking designs is Rs. 500.

Q : What is the restriction on attaching trailers to public service vehicles?

No trailer other than the trailing half of an articulated vehicle shall be attached to a public service vehicle.

Q : What are the restrictions on motorcycles and invalid carriages using trailers in Rajasthan?

Motorcycles with two wheels and a side-car cannot draw a trailer.
Motorcycles with two wheels without a side-car can draw a trailer only if:
1. The trailer is attached behind the rear tyre's apex or within the wheelbase.
2. The connection allows full lateral movement and rotation of the motorcycle.
3. The motorcycle remains upright without the rider needing to balance it.

Q : What vehicles are prohibited from drawing trailers based on length?

Motor vehicles exceeding 8.4 meters in length cannot draw a trailer, except if the vehicle is used for towing a disabled motor vehicle.

Q: What are the restrictions on the number of trailers that can be drawn by different types of vehicles?

Tractors can draw up to three trailers, but cannot draw:
1. Trailers exceeding 0.5 metric tons with solid steel wheels less than 60 cm in diameter.
2. Discharrows without trolley wheels used as training implements.
Other goods vehicles can draw only one trailer.

Q : What are the requirements for attendants when trailers are being drawn by a motor vehicle?

If trailers' brakes cannot be operated by the towing vehicle:
1. Each trailer must have one brake operator.
2. The last trailer must have a person to signal overtaking vehicles and communicate with the towing vehicle.
If trailers' brakes can be operated by the towing vehicle:
1. The towing vehicle must have an additional person besides the driver.
2. The last trailer must have one person to signal and communicate.
For tractors over 7,250 kilograms unladen weight:
1. Each trailer must have at least one person, and the last trailer must have at least two persons, one of whom must signal and communicate.

Q : What is the maximum length allowed for a vehicle and its attached trailers combined in Rajasthan?

The combined length of any vehicle and its attached trailer or trailers must not exceed 23 meters.

Q: What are the marking requirements for trailers?

Trailers must display a distinguishing mark on the back, in retro-reflective red with a white background.
The mark must be:
1. Vertical and easily visible.
2. Positioned either in the center or to the right side of the trailer.
3. No higher than 120 cm from the ground.

Q : What are the special rules for heavy goods and passenger motor vehicles regarding attendants?

The driver of a heavy goods or passenger motor vehicle must be accompanied by an attendant who can warn of traffic from the rear and assist with signaling when reversing.

Q : What conditions must be met for fitting gas producers to motor vehicles?

The gas producer must be made by a government-approved manufacturer and conform to government-approved specifications.
The producer must have a visible metal plate with the manufacturer's details and government-assigned identification.

Q: What is required for approval and sale of gas producers?

Approval requires submission of specifications, drawings, and working instructions.
Producers must pass government-specified tests and a road journey test.
Any modifications to approved producers must be re-approved by the government.

Q: What must the government ensure before approving a gas producer?

The government must ensure that the producer's design is simple, suitable for the vehicle, does not impede vision or safety, distributes weight properly, and meets performance and durability standards.

Q: What safety measures are required for the design of gas producers?

Gas filters must be properly fitted and maintained.
All components must be free from gas or air leaks.
Escape funnels must be placed above the vehicle’s roof level.

Q: What are the requirements for fixing a producer in a vehicle according to Rule 7.61?

For all vehicles: No part of the producer should obstruct the driver's view or control of the vehicle.
For public service vehicles:
1. The producer cannot be placed within the passenger compartment.
2. The generator must be placed at the rear or side, recessed into the compartment, insulated, and must meet specific clearance requirements. It can be carried on a trailer with a reserved fuel load of up to 75 kg.
3. The vehicle must not have a rear opening or door.
For transport vehicles other than public service vehicles:
1. The generator should not be placed forward of the driver’s seat and must be insulated with prescribed clearance.

Q: What insulation requirements are specified for generators on motor vehicles?

If any part of the generator is within 15 cm horizontally of any vehicle part, it must be insulated with a sheet of asbestos or other approved material. This insulation must cover the generator's height and project at least 15 cm on each side if the generator is not recessed.
There must be at least a 6 cm clearance between the generator parts and the insulating material.

Q: Where should a generator be placed in a goods vehicle and how should it be enclosed?

The generator can be placed at the rear or side of the vehicle, or behind the driver’s seat.
If placed behind the driver’s cab, it must be enclosed in a separate compartment with no goods stored in that compartment.

Q: What are the restrictions regarding the distance between the generator and the petrol tank?

No generator or connecting pipe should be less than 121 cm from the filling point or outlet of the petrol tank, unless it is screened by an adequate heat-insulated partition.

Q: What maintenance and safety precautions must be observed by the driver or person in charge of a vehicle with a producer?

In case of fire in the generator: The vehicle must not stop within 20 meters of a petrol pump or similar place, and petrol should not be poured into the tank.
Petrol and inflammable substances: No petrol or explosive substances should be carried except in the regular petrol tank.
Cleaning and operation: The generator should not be cleaned or operated near other vehicles or bus stands.
Stopping and parking: Vehicles must stop only in designated areas and not in places without proper ventilation if fitted with a producer.

Q: What are the specifications for the body and construction of auto rickshaws?

Body Type: Must be either a station wagon, box type, or hackney carriage type, constructed to withstand sun, wind, and rain, and securely fastened to the frame.
Material: Should be strong and of good quality.
Roof: Must provide protection from sun and rain, using metal sheeting, canvas, or other suitable materials.

Q: What are the dimensional and clearance requirements for auto rickshaws?

Overhang: Should not exceed 41% of the distance between the front wheel center and the rear axle.
1. 4-passenger: 124 cm to 176 cm
2. 3-passenger: 122 cm to 158 cm
3. 2-passenger: 106 cm to 142 cm
Height: Should not exceed 183 cm, with a minimum clear head space of 122 cm for all types.
Road Clearance: Must be between 10 cm and 20 cm.

Q: What are the requirements for the driver's seat and cabin in auto rickshaws and tempos?

Driver’s Seat Clearance: At least 112 cm from the front panel.
Tempo Type: A fixed partition should separate the driver's seat from the passenger seats with not more than 38 cm space for a single passenger and horizontal bar partitions to prevent sitting on them.

Q: What are the lighting requirements for auto rickshaws and tempos?

Auto Rickshaw: Must have front head and side white lights, a rear lamp with a red light visible from 167 meters, a white light for the registration mark, and two cat’s eye reflectors on the rear.
Tempo: Similar lighting requirements as the auto rickshaw.

Q: What is the color specification for the body of the auto rickshaw?

The lower body and front portion (excluding the windscreen border) should be black, and the rest of the body, including the windscreen border, should be yellow.

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