Licensing of Drivers of Motor Vehicle in Rajasthan

Q: Who is designated as the Licensing Authority for the district according to the text?

A: The Licensing Authority for the district is the District Transport Officer, the Motor Vehicles Inspector, the Motor Vehicles Sub-Inspector, or any person specially authorized by the State Government to perform the duties of the Licensing Authority. For the purposes of the International Driving Permit and rules 24 to 28 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the Licensing Authority shall be the Regional Transport Officer appointed for the Region.

Q: What is required for a holder of a driving license to apply for authorization to drive a transport vehicle in Rajasthan?

A: The holder of a driving license must apply to the Licensing Authority in Form R.S.2.1, provide a certificate of minimum qualification prescribed by the Central Government, and a driving certificate issued by an approved school of motoring under section 12. The application must also be accompanied by the existing driving license and the prescribed fee. The Licensing Authority will review the application, possibly conduct an inquiry into the applicant's character and antecedents, and may summon the applicant to appear before it.

Q: What happens if the Licensing Authority rejects an application for authorization to drive a transport vehicle?

A: If the Licensing Authority rejects an application, it must inform the applicant in writing, providing the reasons for the rejection within one month, and return the license to the applicant.

Q: Who is responsible for conducting the test of competence to drive?

A: The test of competence to drive is conducted by the Licensing Authority or a person authorized by such authority, who must not be below the rank of Motor Vehicles Sub-Inspector.

Q: What are the requirements for an applicant to undergo a driving test in Rajasthan?

A: The applicant must furnish a serviceable vehicle of the class they are applying for and present themselves for the test at the specified time and place set by the Licensing Authority.

Q: What should an applicant do after passing the test of competence to drive?

A: After passing the test, the applicant must pay the specified fee to the Licensing Authority on the same day or within a week. If the applicant fails to pay the fee within a week without sufficient reasons, they will be required to pass a fresh test of competence.

Q: Who is designated as the Appellate Authority for hearing appeals under Sub-section (8) of Section 9, Sub-section (2) of Section 17, and Sub-section (3) of Section 19 of the Act?

A: The Appellate Authority for hearing these appeals is the Regional Transport Officer. However, for appeals related to International Driving Permits issued under rule 2(t) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the Appellate Authority shall be the Transport Commissioner.

Q: Within what timeframe must an appeal be preferred according to rule 2.5?

A: An appeal must be preferred within thirty days of the date of receipt of the order against which the appeal is made.

Q: What are the requirements for submitting an appeal under rule 2.5?

A: The appeal must be submitted in duplicate in the form of a memorandum, detailing the grounds of objection to the order of the Licensing Authority. It should be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of the order being appealed against, and the appropriate fee as specified in rule 2.29.

Q: What is the procedure for the Appellate Authority after receiving an appeal in Rajasthan?

A: The Appellate Authority will give the parties an opportunity to be heard and conduct any further inquiries if deemed necessary. After this, the Appellate Authority will pass appropriate orders, and the decision of the Appellate Authority shall be final.

Q: Who is authorized to sign the medical certificate required under Sub-section (3) of Section 8 of the Act?

A: The medical certificate must be signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner notified by the Transport Commissioner for a specified area in the official Gazette, upon payment of the prescribed fee.

Q: What additional document can be used as evidence for the correctness of an address?

A: The Bhamashah card issued by the State Government can also be used as evidence of the correctness of an address, in addition to other documents specified in rule 4 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

Q: What should a holder of a license do if the photograph affixed to the license is no longer a clear likeness in Rajasthan?

A: If the photograph affixed to the license is no longer a clear likeness, the Licensing Authority may require the holder to surrender the license and provide two clear copies of a recent photograph. The holder must present the new photograph in person before the Licensing Authority within the specified period. Failure to comply will result in the license ceasing to be valid after the period expires.

Q: What happens to a license when a new photograph is affixed according to rule 2.9?

A: Upon receipt of the new photograph, the Licensing Authority will remove the old photograph from the license, affix and seal the new photograph, and return the license to the applicant. If the Licensing Authority is not the one who originally issued the license, they will forward a copy of the new photograph to the original issuing authority. If desired by the holder, a duplicate license with the new photograph can be issued, and the original license will be destroyed.

Q: What should a license holder do if their license is lost or destroyed?

A: The holder must immediately inform the Licensing Authority having jurisdiction over their residence area in writing, using Form R.S. 2.3 or a letter with the required particulars, and pay the prescribed fee for a duplicate license as specified in rule 2.29. The Licensing Authority will then verify the details with the original issuing authority and, if satisfied, issue a duplicate license. If there are any endorsements by a court since the last issuance or renewal, the duplicate license will reflect those endorsements.

Q: What is required from a license holder when applying for a duplicate license with a new photograph in Rajasthan?

A: The holder of the license must furnish the Licensing Authority with two clear copies of a recent photograph. One copy will be affixed to the duplicate license, and the other will be transmitted by the authority issuing the duplicate license to the authority that originally issued the license.

Q: What should be done if the original license is found after a duplicate license has been issued?

A: If the original license is found after a duplicate has been issued, the holder must deliver the original license to the Licensing Authority. If someone other than the holder finds the license, it should be delivered to the holder or to the nearest Police Station or Licensing Authority. The Officer-in-charge of the Police Station will then forward it to the nearest Licensing Authority.

Q: What action can the Licensing Authority take if a license is found to be defaced or torn?

A: If a license is torn or defaced to the extent that it is not reasonably legible, the Licensing Authority may impound the license and issue a duplicate. If the impounded license has a photograph that is satisfactory and transferable, it can be affixed to the duplicate license. If the photograph is not satisfactory, the holder must provide two new clear copies of a recent photograph for the duplicate license.

Q: What must be marked on a duplicate license when it is issued?

A: A duplicate license must be clearly stamped with the word 'Duplicate' in red ink, marked with the date of issue of the duplicate, and sealed by the Licensing Authority.

Q: What is the procedure if a Licensing Authority takes possession of a license due to disqualification in Rajasthan?

A: If a Licensing Authority takes possession of a license under Clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 19 of the Act, and the license was issued by another authority, the Licensing Authority must inform the issuing authority of the fact.

Q: What is required from a Licensing Authority when declaring a person disqualified under section 19 of the Act?

A: When a Licensing Authority declares a person disqualified, it must endorse the license accordingly and send an intimation of this declaration to the authority by which the license was originally issued.

Q: What should a court do when making an endorsement on a license under Section 24 of the Act?

A: The court must send intimation of the endorsement in Form R.S. 2.4 to the Licensing Authority that issued the license and to the authority by which it was last renewed.

Q: What is the procedure for the Licensing Authority when renewing a license under Section 15 of the Act?

A: When renewing a license, the Licensing Authority must inform the original issuing authority of the renewal in Form R.S. 2.5.

Q: What is required before renewing a driving license for a transport vehicle?

A: Before renewing a driving license for a transport vehicle, the applicant must undergo a two-day refresher training course at a driving training institute established or authorized by the State Government or the Transport Commissioner. The licensing authority will renew the license only upon presenting a certificate of this refresher training course, along with other formalities.

Q: What should a Licensing Authority do when adding classes of motor vehicles to a license in Rajasthan?

A: When adding classes of motor vehicles to a license, the Licensing Authority must inform the authority that originally issued the license in Form R.S. 2.6, if it is not the authority that originally issued the license.

Q: What Automobile Associations are recognized for the purpose of the second proviso to Sub-section (3) of Section 9 of the Act?

A: The recognized Automobile Associations are:

These associations may exercise their powers for their members only, and they must remit fees collected for the test of competence to the association concerned. The associations must also maintain proper accounts of such collections and allow inspection by authorized officers.

Q: What should a license holder do if there is a change of address?

A: The holder of a license entitling them to drive a public service vehicle must report any change of their temporary or permanent address, except for temporary absences exceeding three months, in Form R.S. 2.8. This report should be made to both the Licensing Authority that issued the license and the Licensing Authority that last renewed it.

Q: Who is exempt from paying license and test of competence fees under the provided rules?

A: The following persons are exempt from paying fees:

Q: What are the responsibilities of a driver of a stage carriage or contract carriage, other than a motor cab, with respect to maintaining the vehicle?

A: The driver must:

Q: What conduct is expected from a driver regarding interactions with passengers and other public service vehicles in Rajasthan?

A: The driver must:

Q: What are the requirements regarding the uniform and appearance of the drivers of stage carriages and contract carriages?

A: The drivers must be cleanly dressed in the following uniform:

Additionally, while on duty, they must display a black nameplate with their name in bold white letters.

Q: What should a driver do if their vehicle is unable to proceed to its destination due to mechanical breakdown or other reasons?

A: The driver must arrange to convey the passengers to their destination in a similar vehicle. If such arrangements cannot be made within one hour of the vehicle's failure, the driver must refund each passenger a proportionate amount of the fare for the uncompleted journey.

Q: What are the obligations of a driver concerning the carriage of persons suffering from infectious or contagious diseases?

A: The driver must:

Q: What is the procedure if a driver needs to carry a corpse in a transport vehicle in Rajasthan?

A: The driver must ensure that the vehicle is not used for conveying any passenger other than those hired for the express purpose of conveying the corpse. The vehicle should be specifically hired for this purpose.

Q: What must a driver do if their license authorization for driving a stage carriage or contract carriage is suspended or revoked?

A: The driver must surrender their badge to the authority that issued it within seven days.

Q: What should a driver do if requested by a police officer or a Motor Vehicle Department officer to produce their driving license?

A: The driver must produce their driving license on demand. If the badge is displayed instead of the license, it is considered sufficient compliance, but the driver must produce the license within 48 hours at a specified police station or to the transport officer who made the demand.

Q: What are the rules for the positioning and readiness of motor cabs at a stand?


Q: What restrictions are placed on drivers regarding the location and condition of their motor cabs when not engaged?


Q: What are the requirements for drivers of motor cabs regarding fare, conduct, and vehicle maintenance in Rajasthan?


Q: What are the uniform and appearance requirements for motor cab drivers?


Q: What are the rules regarding the carriage of persons suffering from infectious or contagious diseases in motor cabs?


Q: What procedures should a driver follow if they find an item left by a passenger in their motor cab?


Q: What are the rules for taxi meters in motor cabs?


Q: What must a driver do if their driving authorization for a motor cab is suspended or revoked in Rajasthan?

A: The driver must surrender their badge to the issuing authority within seven days if their driving authorization is suspended, revoked, or ceases to be valid.

Q: What are the key responsibilities and conduct requirements for drivers of goods vehicles?


Q: What are the specifications for the driver's badge of transport vehicles?


Q: What are the requirements for maintaining a Driving Licence Register?


Q: What are the prescribed fees for licenses and other services?

A: The fees for various services under the chapter are specified in a table that is referred to but not detailed in the provided text. Generally, these fees cover applications, issuance, and renewal of licenses and badges. For exact figures, one would need to refer to the specific fee table or additional regulations provided in the chapter.

Serial number Purpose Amount Rule
1. In respect of appeal under rule 2.5 500.00 2.6
2. In respect of medical certificate to be charged by the doctor 15.00 2.7
3. In respect of duplicate licence in Form 7 200.00 2.9,2.10,2.13,13.1
4. In respect of Driover’s Badge or for duplicate badge 300 2.26, 13.1

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